nathan sanel
Nates love of the outdoors is at the center of all the sports he participates in. In the past he has been a competitive Ultra Marathon Runner, Mountain bike racer, Motorcycle Racer (Roadracing and off-road), Professional Snowboarder, Long distance Hiker, BMXer and anything else involving being outside! Nates other passion is business. He and Amy own National Powersports, one of the largest used motorcycle dealerships in the US, and the number one Triumph motorcycle dealership in North America.
amy sanel
From her childhood days of baking with her grandmother, Amy has always enjoyed cooking for people. Ever since Nate and her moved away in 2000 to build National Powersports she has hoped they would be able to come back. The sense of community in the NEK is something special and something she has always cherished. Now back and starting a VT based business, she is looking forward to making your weekend as enjoyable as possible!